I have ordered a 9Hz camera, what documents do I need?

You need to fill out a 9Hz certificate on your company letterhead paper, sign it and send it with your order.

Please include answers to the following question when you send in your certificate:

  • Who is the end-user for this product? (Company name, address, email address, phone number, website (if applicable), contact information form that company)
    • IF the end-user is a private person, please include name, address, email address and phone number

  • What is the intended end-use of the product? (how will the product be used)

  • Is the product going to a military end-user or is it going to be used for military end-use? (national police, a nuclear plant, or a defense unit?

  • If the product is merely for stock, please let us know and you can discard the above-mentioned questions. HOWEVER, please note if you would sell the product to any form of military end-user or military end-use you will require an individual license. This will fall on you as a customer to obtain this or if discarded, sanctions might follow.